Category Archives: Real Life

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

That’s right, kids! It’s time for NaNoWriMo!

Well, okay, it’s time to get ready for NaNoWriMo. But still! It’s exciting!

This is me, y’all. For if you wanted to keep up, be my buddy, or what have you.

I was going to work on a new novel (Cavemen In Spaaaaaaace!) but then I decided that I need to really focus my time and get The Lightning-Maker’s Daughter done with. I have 90,000 words to go, and if I can get 50,000 of those hammered out in a month, that will make the rest of this journey go a little quicker.


Music Monday: Everybody’s Working For the Weekend

Happy Labor Day!

It’s nice to have a day off work and school; however, we can’t forget the true spirit behind Labor Day’s inception whilst we party.

Er, actually, the point of Labor Day was to celebrate the American worker and to recognize that without their hard work and dedication, this country wouldn’t be as super-de-duper as it is. So thanks, workers! Party on! This one’s for you!


Teh Facebukz

On June 1st, I started a 30-day Facebook fast. It’s been going well so far. I deleted the app off my phone and logged out on my computer and all that. It’s actually been better than I thought it would be, although I’ve been using other social media more than I usually do (Pinterest WTF?).

I just remembered that practically all my social media is connected and cross-posts and all that. So every time I make a post here, or on Tumblr, or whatever, it cross-posts to Facebook. So to the casual observer on Facebook, it looks like I never left.

Heh. Whoops.

I’m too lazy to change my settings, so my blog posts will still keep showing up on Facebook throughout the month. Whee!

Music Monday: Heaven Knows

I heard this song on the radio a few days ago and I was digging it instantly. The lead singer is Taylor Momsen, who was in the Jim Carey version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. She’s grown up well. I love her voice!

I’m in a language class this month. Yay!

No seriously, yay, I love Farsi! I love Persian food even more. Mmmmm kubideh. Put it in my moouuuffff.

Anyway, the point of mentioning that is that, with both my Farsi class and my new teslapunk novel with Oriental flair, I might go a little overboard with posting Middle and Near Eastern stuff. So get ready for carpets and mosaics, y’all!


I have widgets on this blog that tell me how many followers I have, and I think this widget is terribly, terribly confused.

Screen Shot 2014-05-12 at 8.36.12 PMI believe the top number. Forty-nine sounds about right. And I’m stoked about each and every one of my followers!

But 400? No. That cannot be possible, not even a little bit. I might just remove that widget, because it’s clearly having a rough time keeping track. Maybe I’ll send it the way of Old Yeller.